Estimation of serum MDA (Malondialdehyde) in various morphological types and clinical stages of age related (senile cataract)
Age related (senile) cataract, Posterior subcapsular (PSC), Serum malondialdehyde, Senile cortical, Senile nuclearAbstract
Background: The aim was to estimate the Serum Malondialdehyde (MDA) in the various morphological types and clinical stages of Age Related (Senile) Cataract, a common cause of curable blindness, especially in India.
Methods: This was a study of estimation of serum Malondialdehyde (MDA) in 100 patients of Age Related (Senile) cataract with 80 cases of Senile Cortical type (40 cases of Posterior subcapsular and 40 cases of Mature) and 20 cases of Senile Nuclear type (10 cases of early Grades of I and II and 10 cases of Advanced Grades of III and IV) and in 20 cases of normal controls in the age group of 45 to 70 years.
Results: Serum MDA (nmol/ml) values of the Mean with SD were 3.34±0.93 (Range 2.02-4.65) in normal controls, 4.38±1.01 (Range 2.4 - 6.7) in senile cataract, 4.39±1.02 ((Range 2.4-6.7) in Senile Cortical Cataract with 3.82±0.73 (Range 2.4-5.1) in its Posterior Subcapsular stage and 4.96 ± 0.88 (Range 3.3-6.7) in its mature stage and 4.3±0.99 (Range 2.4-6.2) in Senile Nuclear cataract with 3.68±0.66 (Range 2.4-4.7) in its early Grades of I and II and 4.86±0.94 (Range 3.8-6.2) in its Advanced Grades of III and IV.
Conclusions: The present study showed a significant increased concentration of Serum MDA in Senile cataract especially in the advanced later clinical stages or grades of maturity than in the earlier clinical stages or grades of immaturity of senile cortical or nuclear compared to normal controls. And there was no statistically significant difference between the morphological types of Age related (Senile) cataract i.e. Cortical Cataract compared to Nuclear Cataract.
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