Bone marrow profile in hematological disorders: an experience from a tertiary care centre
Bone marrow, Examination, Hematological disordersAbstract
Background: Bone marrow aspiration and trephine biopsy are two most important techniques which are complementary for diagnosing both neoplastic and non- neoplastic haematological diseases. The present study was conducted in the department of pathology to compare the role of bone marrow aspirate and trephine biopsy for diagnosing the haematological diseases.
Methods: The study was conducted in the department of pathology government medical college Srinagar over a period of 2 years from Feb 2016 to Jan 2018. The study was one-year retrospective and one year prospective. Bone marrow aspiration was done in 626 cases out of which biosy was done in 300 cases.
Results: Out of the selected 300 cases were both aspiration and trephine biopsy were available, diagnostic material on bone marrow aspirate was adequate in 288 cases. 12 cases were aparticulate. Biopsy was inadequate in 8 cases. Overall megaloblastic anaemia (26.6%) was most common followed by dual deficiency anemia. Multiple myeloma was the most common neoplastic pathology (13%) followed by followed by acute leukaemia’s (6%) and Chronic lymphoproliferative disorders (CLPDS) (5%). 1 case each of visceral leishmaniasis and malarial parasite were also noted. 4 cases (1.3%) of granulomatous pathology and 2 cases (0.6%) of Hodgkins lymphoma were diagnosed exclusively on bone marrow biopsy.
Conclusions: Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy are complimentary to each other in diagnosing hematological disorders with biopsy being gold standard in the assessment of cellularity, pattern, extent of tumor infiltration and focal infiltration. It is more helpful in diagnosing granulomatous pathology and metastatic deposits of tumors eliciting fibrotic response.
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