Effect of Carica papaya leaf extract (CPLE) on thrombocytopenia among dengue patients of tertiary care hospital, Chitradurga, India
Carica papaya, Dengue fever, Complications, ThrombocytopeniaAbstract
Background: Dengue is a global public health problem and thrombocytopenia associated with it is a serious complication for which there is no specific treatment available. This study was done to assess the effect of Carica papaya Leaf Extract (CPLE) on thrombocytopenia associated with Dengue and to study other clinical parameters of dengue.
Methods: A longitudinal study conducted in Department of General Medicine, BMCH, Chitradurga, from September 2017 to March 2018. All the participants were randomized into two groups by simple randomization by lot method. Study group was given Carica papaya Leaf Extract (CPLE) and routine supportive treatment for other group. The patients were followed from the day of admission till their discharge from hospital. The platelet counts and other baseline hematological investigations, duration of hospital stay in both the groups were compared statistically by unpaired t-test.
Results: There were total 127 males and 73 females. Age groups were comparable in both the groups. Most common presenting complaints were fever (100%) followed by headache (85%), myalgia (81.4%), fatigue (75%), arthralgia (65%). On admission baseline investigations were done and mean levels of both groups were compared. It was found that there was only significant difference of mean RBC levels (p=0.045). When followed up with daily platelet counts of both the groups, it was seen that there was increase in platelet counts in study group compared to placebo group and on third day there was significant difference between both (p=0.002). It was also found that discharge rate is earlier in study group than placebo group.
Conclusions: Carica papaya leaf extract accelerates the increase in platelet count and reduces the hospital stay. So, it can be used as supplementary drug to reduce complications.
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