Candida onychomycosis: Indian scenario
Onychomycosis, Candida albicans, non albicans Candida species, Causative agentAbstract
Background: Onychomycosis, a fungal infection of nails, may be caused by dermatophytes, nondermatophytes and yeast. Its incidence is progressively increasing, and now it is no more considered merely a cosmetic problem and the figures represent only the tip of the iceberg.
Methods: The retrospective study was carried out from January, 2000 to March, 2014 at Allahabad. KOH examination and culture were carried out in 3321 cases and species identification of Candida was done by Vitek-2 system.
Results: Out of 3321 cases, 2906 cases were culture positive. Candida onychomycosis was found in 284 (10.1%) cases. When data was further analyzed Candida albicans were isolated in 96 (33.81%) cases while non albicans Candida species were identified in 188 (66.19%) cases.
Conclusions: The result suggests that non albicans Candida species of Candida predominates in comparison to Candida albicans.
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