Profile of organo phosphorous poisoning at a tertiary medical centre in Jharkhand, India


  • Umesh Kumar Ojha Department of Medicine, Patliputra Medical College, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India
  • Dharmendra Kumar Jha Department of Medicine, Patliputra Medical College, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India
  • A. J. Ansari Department of Medicine, Patliputra Medical College, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India
  • Bibhuti Nath Department of Medicine, Patliputra Medical College, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India



Clinical profile, O.P. management


Background: Poisoning is the most common method, employed for the act of deliberate self-harm. The wide availability, lack of rules and regulations for the sale of pesticides resulted in wide spread use of Organophosphate as one of the most common poison used for deliberate self-harm.

Methods: In this study, authors aim to find out clinical profile with respect to different O.P. compounds, prognosis and outcome of each patient in relation to the delay in getting medical attention. Present study objective is to find out if there is any specific clinical finding which can predict bad outcome.

Results: Out of 344 cases, 189 cases had type 1 respiratory failure, while in 34 cases type II respiratory failure present. 61 cases expired and out of these 61 cases 47 cases died within 24 hours and 11 cases died in next 48 hours.

Conclusions: Maximum number of cases were in the age group of 21 - 30years. The maximum number of deaths were in the first 72 hours. Number of cases were more in males as compared to females. Chances of survival was better in persons who reached early to the hospital.


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How to Cite

Ojha, U. K., Jha, D. K., Ansari, A. J., & Nath, B. (2018). Profile of organo phosphorous poisoning at a tertiary medical centre in Jharkhand, India. International Journal of Advances in Medicine, 5(6), 1510–1514.



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