Is vegetarian young adult male more affected by vitamin B12 deficiency anemia? A hospital based study
Vitamin B12, Vegetarian, PancytopeniaAbstract
Background: Prevalence of B12 deficiency in the general population has not been well established because a universally accepted normal B12 level has not been defined. Aim of the study was to study vegetarian young adult male more affected by vitamin B12 deficiency anemia.
Methods: The study was conducted in 120 patients at the department of medicine, Government medical college, Kota, a tertiary care teaching hospital in Rajasthan, India.
Results: Prevalence of B12 deficiency was 19.52%, B12 deficiency in male and female were 18.33% (22) 1nd 15.83% (19) respectively. B12 deficiency in age group <20 years, 21-40 years and >41 years were 3.33%, 29.16% and 1.66% respectively.
Conclusions: Low vitamin B12 concentrations are common in Indian young adult men, particularly in vegetarians. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings in other parts of India.
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