Clinico social profile of patients of attico-antral disease in middle ear cleft attending tertiary care center of North India
Socio-demography, Attico-atral disease, Middle earAbstract
Background: Infections of the middle ear and complications associated with it are still a major public health problem in the developing countries. It becomes important to review the changing trends in natural history of the disease in order to understand and instils the most appropriate management for the same.
Methods: This was a cross sectional study. Patients with evidence of attico-antral disease in middle ear cleft were selected from the OPD. All the patients were subjected to thorough clinical, audiological, and radiological investigations.
Results: In the present study 40 patients were involved (65% male and 35% females), with The youngest patient was eight year old and oldest patient was 60 years of age. The main symptoms included discharge from ear (100%) and hearing impairment (75%) patients. It was seen that pre-operative PTA values had a weak positive correlation. (r=0.366, p-value <0.05) with age, whereas no or very little positive correlation was seen with the duration of the disease. (r=0.092, p-value>0.05) after using Pearson’s correlation test. From ROC analysis, PTA values at 51 dB were able to predict the status of Incus with sensitivity 48% and specificity 84.6%, followed by malleus and stapes.
Conclusions: From the study, it can be concluded that though the prevalence of attico antral diseases has decreased in the post antibiotic era, but it continues to remain a public health problem on India as well as other developing countries. Still, there is a lack of awareness amongst the masses about the natural history/course of the disease and complications related to it and low priority given to the disease.
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