Role of systemic steroids in acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy: report of two cases


  • Mohammed S. Alharbi Department of Medicine, Unaizah College of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Qassim University, Unaizah, AlQassim, 51911, Saudi Arabia



Acute, Edema, Hemorrhagic, Infancy, Steroids, Vasculitis


Acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy (AHEI) is an unusual form of leukocytoclastic vasculitis with dramatic distinguishing skin lesions that occurs in infants who age 4 to 24 months old. Clinical presentation at onset requires clinical and, less often, histological evaluation to distinguish it from more serious diseases and other vasculitis. Treatment of AHEI remains controversial; and since it is a self-limiting disease, a conservative approach should be considered first. Although some authors have reported that the use of steroids may be beneficial if started early on, we think their use, based on our presented cases here, may accelerate the healing and improves the color of preexisting skin lesions but does not significantly alter the course of the disease. Authors reported here two clinical Cases of AHEI (Diagnosed based on characteristic skin lesions and confirmed with Histological evaluation) who were treated initially with systemic steroids, besides we reviewed the role of systemic steroids in the treatment of AHEI.


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How to Cite

Alharbi, M. S. (2019). Role of systemic steroids in acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy: report of two cases. International Journal of Advances in Medicine, 6(2), 537–541.



Case Reports