Prospective and retrospective study of weekly intermittent hormone (estrogen and progesterone) replacement therapy in hysterectomised women
HRT, Post menopausal symptoms, Vasomotor symptomsAbstract
Background: Estrogen therapy in younger postmenopausal women is associated with a decisive reduction in morbidity and mortality, but estrogen use in this population is low because of risk of side effects. Weekly intermittent therapy is a more patient friendly approach with reduced pill burden increasing compliance and adherence as well as reducing side effects. Therefore, authors wanted to study the effect of weekly intermittent fixed dose estrogen and progesterone (ultra-low dose) supplements in hysterectomised surgically menopaused women.
Methods: The present study was prospective and retrospective study. For retrospective study authors records of 100 hysterectomised women up to 45years of age with severe post-menopausal symptoms treated in authors Medicine Department of Hospital with once weekly MALA-D tablets were studied. For prospective study, all consecutive hysterectomised patients with severe post-menopausal symptoms attending medicine OPD were given once weekly MALA-D which contains ethinylestradiol 0.03mg and levonorgestrel 0.15mg tablets and followed up monthly with outcomes measured by Modified Kuppermann Index, visual analogue scale, and women’s health questionnaires.
Results: Present retrospective study showed moderate degree of postmenopausal symptoms as indicated by Modified Kuppermann index of 19.57. Prospective study showed significant improvement in postmenopausal symptoms with weekly intermittent hormone replacement therapy as indicated by outcomes measured by Modified Kupperman index and Visual analogue scale. Women’s health questionnaire also showed statistically significant improvement in 6 out of 8 dimensions.
Conclusions: Authors concluded that weekly estrogen progesterone hormone replacement therapy with mala-D tablet (ultra-low dose therapy) was 100% effective in relieving vasomotor symptoms and it is very effective in improving psychosomatic symptoms, urinary symptoms and quality of life with no obvious side effects and greater adherence.
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