Use and relevance of modified alvarado scoring system in diagnosis of acute appendicitis: a cross sectional study from West Bengal, India
Acute appendicitis, Histopathology, Modified Alvarado Scoring SystemAbstract
Background: For successful management of acute appendicitis, early diagnosis and intervention is needed. Incorrect diagnosis may allow significantly increased morbidity and mortality. Several studies across the globe shows that Modified Alvarado Scoring System (MASS) does not need high end instrument and can be done in emergency situation for accessing acute appendicitis and reducing the chances of unnecessary surgery. To access the efficacy of MASS for diagnosis of acute appendicitis in remote areas with primary health care facilities, present study was done at Siliguri of Darjeeling district of West Bengal which was 580 km distant from state capital (Kolkata).
Methods: A cross sectional study over a period of 16 months was conducted among the patients admitted at North Bengal Medical College and Hospital suspected to have acute appendicitis. The diagnosis was confirmed by histopathological examination. Written consent was obtained from the patients before commencement of the study. MASS was applied to the patients and the results were compared with histopathological findings. Appropriate statistical analysis has been done by SPSS (version 16.0).
Results: A total of 75 patients (44 males and 31 females) were considered. The sensitivity and specificity of MASS in this study were 75.86% (71.43% for males and 80% for females) and 82.61% (80% for males and 87.5% for females) respectively. Study revealed statistically significant (p<0.000) association between Histopathological report and MASS.
Conclusions: To reduce the chances of negative appendectomy and for better diagnosis of appendicitis, MASS may be more useful at primary health care centres those are located in remote areas as it was very simple, easy and cost effective.
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