Clinical study of diabetic patients with special reference to their glycemic status
Glycemic status, Diabetes, IncidenceAbstract
Background: India is the world’s diabetes capital. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus is expected to raise more rapidly in the future in India and 40 other countries because of increasing obesity and reducing activity levels and other lifestyle changes. To study the profile of diabetic patients with special reference to their glycemic status was the objective of the study.
Methods: One hundred patients of diabetes were studied at NRI Medical College and General Hospital, Chinakakani, Guntur. Among diabetics, the criteria were considered to include the patients for the study. The selected patients were studied in detail with history and physical examination.
Results: The mean age of male patients in the study was 54.82±12.38 years and that of the female patients was 54.82 ±11.08 years. The mean age of detection of diabetes mellitus among the male patients was 48.84±10.11years and in the female patients was 48.75 ±8.68 years. The mean duration of DM is not statistically significant between male and female patients with P=0.930. 22 patients had good glycemic control of which 14 patients had duration of diabetes less than 5 years.
Conclusions: Incidence of poor glycemic status has a statistically significant association with the longer duration of diabetes.
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