A retrospective study of clinical profile and outcome of patients with rodenticide poisoning in a tertiary care hospital
Rat killer poisoning, Rodenticide poisoning, Self-poisoningAbstract
Background: In developing countries, the substances most commonly used for self-poisoning are agricultural pesticides including rodenticides. Authors aimed to assess the clinical status and outcomes of patients with rodenticide poisoning in a tertiary care hospital.
Methods: This retrospective record-based study was carried over three years. Apart from demographic details, information regarding the time of ingestion, nature and amount of the compound. Other details included clinical features, complications, treatment and outcome of the patient. Descriptive analysis was carried out by the mean and standard deviation for quantitative variables, frequency and proportion for categorical variables.
Results: Of the 120 study subjects, 85 (93.40%) participants self-harmed, 2 (2.20%) were homicidal, and 4 (4.40%) had accidentally consumed the rodenticide. About 52 (32.70%) participants had vomiting, 34 (21.38%) had giddiness, 32 (20.13%) participants had abdominal pain. On the whole, 85 (73.28%) participants recovered, 23 (19.83%) participants had absconded, 6 (5.17%) participants had referred and 2 (1.72%) of them expired.
Conclusions: Phosphorous compounds, particularly yellow phosphorous are the most lethal rodenticides followed by Coumadin. Symptomatic management of the patients at the earliest possible time is the mainstay, as there are no specific antidotes for any of the compounds.
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