A study focusing emerging risk factors in patients of acute myocardial infarction in South India


  • Rangamanikandan M. Department of Cardiology, Government Rajaji Hospital. Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Balasubramanian S. Department of Cardiology, Government Rajaji Hospital. Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Veeramani S. R. Department of Cardiology, Government Rajaji Hospital. Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Sivakumar G. S. Department of Cardiology, Government Rajaji Hospital. Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Saravanan R. R. Department of Cardiology, Government Rajaji Hospital. Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Ramesh R. Department of Cardiology, Government Rajaji Hospital. Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Sathsihkumar S. Department of Cardiology, Government Rajaji Hospital. Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Hemanath T. S. Department of Cardiology, Government Rajaji Hospital. Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Saravanan M. Department of Cardiology, Government Rajaji Hospital. Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Selvarani G. Department of Cardiology, Government Rajaji Hospital. Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Nagasundar . Department of Cardiology, Government Rajaji Hospital. Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India




  1. Background: Acute myocardial infarction (MI) is a significantly raising problem particularly in India. The various aspects of myocardial infarction such as risk factor profiles, clinical presentations and prognosis differ significantly in south Indian people when compared to others. This study was undertaken to study the association of socio-demographic and life-style factors with acute myocardial infarction in South India.

    Material: This was a prospective study included 100 patients admitted in ICCU for acute MI in Government Rajaji Hospital Madurai over a period of 1 year. History, ECG, CPK-MB, and 2-D Echo was done to diagnose MI.

    Results: In this study, 68% patients were males. In this study, 34% patients had diabetes, 42% had hypertension, 58% were smokers. In our study 70% patients had BMI between 25-30kg/m2. In this study, 86% patients had TGL more than 200mg/dl, 28% patients had LDL more than 100 mg/dl and 78% patients had NON-HDL more than 130 mg/dl. In this study, 9 patients had depression. In our study 61% male patients had waist hip ratio more than >1 and in females 69% patients had waist hip ratio more than >0.85. In our study, 22% patients had hemoglobin >16g/dl.

    Conclusion: Prevention of coronary artery syndrome by modifying the risk factors were crucial. Serum cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, BMI were not significant to predict ACS in our study Waist Hip ratio, Triglyceride, Non-HDL cholesterol, smoking and Depression were significant to predict acute coronary syndrome in this study.


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