Utility of image guided fine needle aspiration cytology in the evaluation of intra-abdominal and retroperitoneal lesions at a tertiary health care center in Kashmir valley


  • Shaheena Parveen Department of Pathology, Government Medical College, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Kousar Sideeq Lone Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Governmental Medical College, Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Misbah Rashid Department of Pathology, ASCOMS, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Syed Besina Yasin Department of Pathology, SKIMS, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India




Abdominal and retroperitoneal masses, Computed tomography, Fine needle aspiration cytology, Image guided, Ultrasound


Background: FNAC has become an established investigation in the diagnosis of accessible and palpable lesions. Most of the intra-abdominal masses are non-palpable and even if they are palpable, the idea of their size and shape and the extent of the lesion is not possible. Therefore, various imaging modalities like ultra-sonography, computed tomography and fluoroscopy are used as a guide for fine needle aspiration nowadays. Objectives of this study were to assess the utility of image guided fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of non-palpable intra-abdominal lesions. To study the cytomorphological features of these lesions. To evaluate the sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy of image guided fine needle aspiration cytology of these lesions.

Methods: A prospective study of percutaneous aspiration biopsy of intra-abdominal masses, to evaluate its utility was undertaken in the department of pathology, Sher-I-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar, Kashmir. FNA was performed in 183 patients.

Results: Adequate cell sample was obtained in majority of the cases (83.6%). Majority of the abdominal masses were arising from the liver (65%). Location of abdominal masses also included those arising from pancreas (12.02%), kidneys (7.65%), lymph nodes (7.65%), Gall bladder (6%) omental deposits (1.09%) and adrenal gland (0.54%). Majority of US guided FNA was done in liver masses. Overall sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy of image guided FNAC of intra-abdominal and retroperitoneal masses of the study was 100%, 100% and 93.54%, respectively.

Conclusions: There is lack of awareness regarding dog bite and its management among the rural population.


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