Prevalence of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction by echocardiography in type II diabetes mellitus patients
Cardiomyopathy, Diabetes mellitus, Diastolic dysfunction, EchocardiographyAbstract
Background: Epidemiological data indicates a greater risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, particularly congestive heart failure in diabetic patients, compared with nondiabetic patients. Heart failure in many patients is due to left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction (LVDD), but its prevalence among diabetic adults is still not known, especially in the primary health care settings. Present study aims to evaluate the prevalence of LVDD by Echocardiography in Type II Diabetes Mellitus (DM).
Methods: Authors did a prospective study, from May 2012 to August 2014, in Department of Medicine, Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital, Kolhapur which included 100 randomly selected patients of Type II DM. The diagnosis of Type II DM was done according to the criteria laid down by American Diabetes Association 2012. A detailed clinical history was taken using a structured questionnaire prepared by us and all patients were evaluated for left ventricular function by Echocardiography. Equipment used for echocardiography-Mind ray DC USG, Doppler machine Probe used-7.5MHz.
Results: On Echocardiography, Diastolic Dysfunction was found to be prevalent among individuals with Type 2 DM. Duration of DM and increasing age were found to be significantly associated with presence of Diastolic Dysfunction among individuals with Type 2 DM. Maximum number of patients were observed in the age group 51-60 years in our institute. 45% of the patients were asymptomatic, rest of the patients had predominantly cardiac symptoms.
Conclusions: It is essential to screen diabetic patients with Echocardiography at an early stage to prevent future cardiovascular complications.
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