The study of clinical and echocardiographic assessment of patients with atrial fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation, Left atrial size, Left ventricular hypertrophyAbstract
Background: Atrial Fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia encountered in our clinical practice accounting for 1/3rd of the total hospital admissions for cardiac rhythm disturbances. Recent worldwide epidemiological data have reaffirmed that AF is a global epidemic and has adverse effects on long term morbidity and mortality. This study is aimed to assess the clinical profile and etiology along with Echocardiographic evaluation of patients presenting with Atrial Fibrillation.
Methods: Total of 100 patients of Atrial Fibrillation were enrolled for the study, who got admitted in hospital from March 2017 to June 2018. These patients were evaluated clinically, and detailed Cardiovascular, Neurological examination was done to evaluate etiology and for any evidence of thromboembolism. Echocardiography was also done.
Results: Mean Age of the patients enrolled was 67.02±12.50 yrs. There was male predominance. The presenting complaints were dyspnea, palpitations, chest pain & pedal edema. On Echocardiography, Hypertensive Heart Disease was found to be the most common etiology. Mean LA size was 46.18±9.49 mm. LA clot was present in 4% patients. Most common complication was congestive cardiac failure followed by stroke. CHA2DS2- VASc score was ≥2 in 86% patients.
Conclusions: Increasing age and hypertension are associated with occurrence of AF. Hypertensive heart disease was the most common etiology in elderly age group. Presence of LVH or left atrial enlargement in patients with hypertensive heart disease requires early management to improve the outcomes.
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