Risk factors of type 2 diabetes mellitus in rural population of Karad, Maharashtra, India: an observational study
Diabetes mellitus type 2, Prevalence, Risk factors, SedentaryAbstract
Background: Non-communicable diseases like DM2, cardiac diseases, chronic respiratory disorders, brain disorders like stroke have created a havoc in developing countries, especially India which harbors 2nd largest population in the world. The present study was planned in this area to capture the data regarding epidemiology, risk factors of DM2, and use this information to plan health program to formulate effective preventive measures, including raising general awareness about the disease in that geographical area.
Methods: The present cross sectional study was carried out in population of Karad area of Satara district in Maharashtra state. The study duration was of 1 year, from 1st February 2018 to 1st February 2019.
Results: Out of total 1100 study population in the present study, 99 (9%) were diagnosed as diabetics (DM2) while 1001 were normal/non-diabetics. Majority of the diabetic patients were of the age group 41 to 50 years. Females (47%) showed slightly more prevalence of diabetes as compared to males (53%). Majority of the diabetic patients were having sedentary lifestyle, which consisted of 69 patients (70%), which was statistically significant, as compared to non-diabetic group.
Conclusion: Thus, findings of the present study amply clarifies that DM2 is on longer a disease of urban population. Its prevalence is increasing in rural population, as well. Lack of awareness, sedentary lifestyle, faulty dietary habits, etc. are some of the reasons for such high prevalence.
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