Risk of dementia in patients taking beta blocker as antihypertensive treatment: a cross sectional study
Atenolol, Beta blockers, Bisoprolol, Carvedilol, Cognition, Dementia, HypertensionAbstract
Background: Hypertension is considered to be the third most important disease in the list of diseases in the south Asian region. Several trials have shown active treatment of hypertension reduced the incidence of dementia. This study was adopted to understand the cognitive status of patients using beta blockers for hypertension for a period of more than 5 years.
Methods: The study was done during the period of August 2018 and September 2018. Patients taking beta blockers for atleast 5 years were included and was made to take the MMSE test which is scored out of 30 marks containing 11 questions, each of varying marks.
Results: In the study, 54 patients were included, 8 out of 54 patients taking beta blockers obtained a score of 30 which is 15% of the study population taking beta blockers, 15 out of 54 patients taking beta blockers obtained a score of 29 which corresponds to 28% of the study population, 21 out of 54 individuals taking beta blockers obtained a score of 28 which is 39% of the population taking it, 7 patients taking beta blockers obtained a score of 27 pertaining to 13% of the population. One patient obtained a score of 26 and two patients scored 25 out of 30. The average score obtained was 28.2963.
Conclusions: About 18.5% of the study population had scores below the average value of 28 in this study. This population is at higher risk of developing dementia in the future and need follow up.
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