Impact of antibiotic stewardship program on usage of higher range of antibiotics in patients of intensive care units in a tertiary care hospital, India


  • Mounamukhar Bhattacharjee Department of Paediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • Vijaya Lakshmi Nag Department of Microbiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • Jagdish Prasad Goyal Department of Paediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • Vibhor Tak Department of Microbiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India



Antimicrobial stewardship, Carbapenem derivatives, Colistin, β-lactam inhibitors, Intensive care units


Background: The aim of the study was to monitor the changes in antimicrobial use after implementation of Antibiotic Stewardship Programmed (ASP) and pattern of use of antimicrobials in the respective ICU’s.

Methods: The study was conducted in three ICU’s Adult ICU(AICU), Paediatric ICU (PICU), Neonatal ICU (NICU) -Six bedded each) over a period of six months from September 2018 to February 2019 in a tertiary care hospital. Antibiotics monitored over total 155 patients and antibiotics selected for the study are β-lactam inhibitors, Carbapenem derivatives and Colistin

Results: Out of total 155 patients 51% were males and the definitive therapy (Implementation of antibiotics according to the antibiotic policy of the hospital) in the respective ICU’s showed increase from 66.7% to 83.3% after implementation of ASP activity in that particular duration. Antibiotic consumption showed fluctuation in the whole duration of the study (p value <0.05).

Conclusions: Analysis of the study shows a positive impact on implementation of ASP programme in intensive care units, brought an effective increase in appropriate use of antimicrobials.


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How to Cite

Bhattacharjee, M., Nag, V. L., Goyal, J. P., & Tak, V. (2020). Impact of antibiotic stewardship program on usage of higher range of antibiotics in patients of intensive care units in a tertiary care hospital, India. International Journal of Advances in Medicine, 7(2), 287–292.



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