Study of risk factors and its correlation with constraint induced movement therapy for atherosclerosis in patients of coronary artery disease and their offspring
Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular events, Constraint induced movement therapy, Ultrasonography, SmokingAbstract
Background: A significant percent of cardiovascular event occurs without well-known modifiable risk. A new tool for early identification for atherosclerosis is required for early intervention. Aims and objectives of the study was to study the risk factors for CAD and its correlation with CIMT.
Methods: One hundred and forty subjects were studied for the risk factors of CAD in Department of Medicine of G.R. Medical College, Gwalior from 2012 to 2013. Out of 140 subjects, 100 were patients having CAD and 40 age matched subjects were included as control group. Data was also recorded from their offspring. High resolution B mode ultrasonography was performed to assess CIMT of carotid arteries. The maximum CIMT of any one side of carotid artery was taken for study.
Results: CAD was more prevalent among males (78%). Majority of the offspring of cases had age between 28-42 years and majority were male (73%). Most common risk factors for CAD was dyslipidemia (48%), hypertension (24%), diabetes (12%) and smoking (21%), whereas in offspring’s of CAD patients, dyslipidemia was seen in 28%, hypertension in 3%, diabetes and tobacco smoking in 12% and 24% respectively. The CIMT of CAD patients was significantly increased with increasing the number of risk factors and the same pattern was also seen in controls. The CIMT of asymptomatic offspring’s having positive family history was significantly more than the asymptomatic offspring without positive family history of CAD.
Conclusions: CIMT measurements can be used as a surrogate marker of atherosclerosis as it has showed a direct link with number of risk factors of CAD.
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