Clinicomorphological study of ovarian tumours: two year study
Benign, Histopathology, Surface epithelial tumorsAbstract
Background: The ovarian tumors manifest a wide spectrum of clinical, morphological and histological features. The aim of the study was to study the histopathological patterns of 597 ovarian tumors received in Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala for a period of 2 years and to correlate with variousclinical parameters like age, nature of presentation, laterality of tumors.
Methods: This is a retrospective study of 597 ovarian tumors at Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram for a period of 2 years. The clinical data of the patients was obtained from their respective files.
Results: Study included 597 cases removed from 570 patients. Total 543 cases were unilateral and 27 cases were bilateral. The predominant age group of ovarian tumors was 4th to 5th decade. The most common clinical presentation was pain abdomen followed by mass abdomen. In the present study, 85% cases were benign tumors, 3.34% were borderline and 11.6% were malignant. Surface epithelial tumors were the most common ovarian neoplasm (79%), followed by germ cell tumor (25%), sex cord stromal tumors (4.2%) and metastasis (0.34%). The most common benign tumor was serous cystadenoma and the most common malignant tumor was serous carcinoma. Mucinous borderline tumor was the most common borderline tumor in this study.
Conclusions: Majority of ovarian tumors in this study were benign. Surface epithelial tumor was the most common ovarian tumor in the present study. Most common age group was 40-49 years.
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