Cranial polyneuropathy and triparesis due to mononeuritis multiplex in a case of scrub typhus


  • Sayonee Das Department of Medicine, KPC Medical College and Hospital, Jadavpur. Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Ramiz Islam Department of Medicine, KPC Medical College and Hospital, Jadavpur. Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Parvez Shahide Biswas Department of Medicine, KPC Medical College and Hospital, Jadavpur. Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Kausik Munsi Department of Medicine, KPC Medical College and Hospital, Jadavpur. Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Sagar Basu Department of Neuromedicine, KPC Medical College and Hospital, Jadavpur. Kolkata, West Bengal, India



Scrub typhus, Cranial polyneuropathy, Triparesis, Mononeuritis multiplex


Scrub typhus with neurological manifestations are often described. We present here unusual neurological manifestations in a patient with Scrub typhus. A 49 years old male presented with continued fever for the last 12 days along with headache and myalgia. He had left sided oculomotor nerve palsy along with palatal palsy and triparesis (except left upper limb) of lower motor neurone type. Electro-diagnostic studies showed asymmetric axonal sensorimotor neuropathies of multiple nerves in paretic limbs, suggestive of mononeuritis multiplex. Scrub typhus was diagnosed by the presence of IgM antibody in serum. He responded well with doxycycline therapy. This type of neurological presentation is extremely rare in scrub typhus and possibly has not been described earlier to the best of our knowledge.  


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Author Biography

Sayonee Das, Department of Medicine, KPC Medical College and Hospital, Jadavpur. Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Resident, General Medicine


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How to Cite

Das, S., Islam, R., Biswas, P. S., Munsi, K., & Basu, S. (2021). Cranial polyneuropathy and triparesis due to mononeuritis multiplex in a case of scrub typhus. International Journal of Advances in Medicine, 8(2), 297–299.



Case Reports