Asthma related to gastroesophageal reflux disease: a case report and review
Asthma, Gastroesophageal reflux disease, Pulmonary functionAbstract
Asthma is a common respiratory disorder that characterized by airway hyper-reactivity and chronic inflammation. Asthma and gastroesophageal reflux disease can occur together, both can affect each other. We represent 41 years old male patient with chief complaint of asthma that preceded burning sensation on his throat and also heartburn over the last three months. Patient had visited his family doctor but his symptom still occurred. He had been experienced six episodes of these symptoms since three month ago. On physical examination there were wheezing both of his lung and prolong expiration phase. There was no abnormality on the electrocardiogram, chest X-ray and complete blood count. After administration of short acting bronchodilator and proton pump inhibitor agent, patient clinical status improved dramatically. Patient than given salmoterol fluticasone inhaler, antacid, ANT proton pump inhibitor as take-home medication. On his follow up visit to policlinic on first, fourth- and eight-week patient denied any shortness of breath and heartburn anymore. Various pathological processes play a role in the pathogenesis of GERD and Asthma. There were two theories that suggested in the mechanism that caused GERD induced Asthma, including reflux and reflex theory.
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