Chest X-ray findings in COVID-19 patients: a descriptive study


  • Asraf Hussain Department of Internal Medicine, National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal
  • Jeetendra Mishra Department of Internal Medicine, National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal
  • Achutanand Lal Karn Department of Internal Medicine, National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal
  • Alok Kumar Singh Department of Internal Medicine, National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal
  • Parwez Ansari Department of Internal Medicine, National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal
  • M. Kalim Akhtar Department of Radiology, National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal
  • Bikranta Rimal Department of Radiology, National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal
  • Dambar Shah Department of Radiology, National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal
  • Rajan Mahato Department of Radiology, National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal
  • Sagun Bista Department of Internal Medicine, National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal
  • Aadarsh Singh Department of Internal Medicine, National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal
  • Omprakash Kushwaha Department of Internal Medicine, National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal
  • Surendra Yadav Department of Internal Medicine, National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal
  • Rupesh Shah Department of Internal Medicine, National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal
  • Ramji Ram National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal



COVID-19, CXR, Lungs, Co-morbidities, BSTI


Background: Early suspicion and diagnosis remains the cornerstone for the better outcome of patients and to decrease cross infection in cases of COVID-19 pneumonia. In a country like Nepal X-ray facilities are readily available radiological tool in most of the centers and can be important screening tool.  There is a lack of studies detailing the chest XR (C-XR) findings in these patients when compared to that dedicated to the CT features. Study aims to describe the patterns of the lung opacities in CXR in these patients.

Methods: This is retrospective descriptive study conducted at NMCTH in COVID-19 patients from 12 September to 17 October 2020. Demographic characteristics, symptoms, co-morbidities and C-XR findings were studied. CXR findings were categorized according to BSTI classification.

Results: Among 111 COVID-19 RT-PCR positive cases admitted 102 (91.9%) belonged to age group 18-65 years, 89 (80.2%) were males. Cough and fever were the commonest symptoms present in 109 (98.2%) patients. Ischemic heart disease and hypertension in 32 (28.8%) patients were the commonest co morbidities. According to British society of thoracic imaging (BSTI) COVID-19 CXR classification, six patients (5.4%) had normal chest X-rays. Classic/probable COVID-19 picture was present in 79 (71.17%) patients while (7.2%) had intermediate for COVID-19 X-ray findings. Among 79 patients with classic/probable COVID-19 CXR findings 71 (89.8%) had bilateral consolidation/ground glass haze, 72 (91.1%) had peripheral lung involvement while 66 (83.5%) had middle and lower zone involvement.

Conclusions: Ground glass opacities/consolidations with bilateral location, peripheral distribution and middle- lower zone predominance were the commonest X-ray findings in our study.


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Author Biography

Asraf Hussain, Department of Internal Medicine, National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal

Department of Internal Medicine


chief PG Coordinator


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How to Cite

Hussain, A., Mishra, J., Karn, A. L., Singh, A. K., Ansari, P., Akhtar, M. K., Rimal, B., Shah, D., Mahato, R., Bista, S., Singh, A., Kushwaha, O., Yadav, S., Shah, R., & Ram, R. (2021). Chest X-ray findings in COVID-19 patients: a descriptive study. International Journal of Advances in Medicine, 8(5), 617–620.



Original Research Articles