Role of helical CT and MRI in the evaluation of spinal dysraphism


  • S. Kanagarameswara Kumaran Department of Radiodiagnosis, Government Vellore Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • P. Chirtrarasan Department of Radiodiagnosis, Government Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, India



Helical CT, MRI Imaging, Spinal dysraphism


Background: Spinal dysraphism is a complex congenital anomaly involving the spine and spinal cord. Some lesions seldom require imaging. The aim was to study the usefulness of helical CT and MRI in the evaluation of various presentation of spinal dysraphism, to identify, characterize the lesions and its association with other anomalies which helps in giving an accurate diagnosis based on specific imaging findings.

Methods: Seventy patients including 33 males and 37 females’ age ranging from 1year to 30 years clinically suspicious for spinal dysraphism were evaluated using helical CT and MRI in the Department of Radiodiagnosis, Government Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, India.

Results: Statistical data analyzed based on imaging findings.56 patients were of open spinal dysraphism type and 14 patients were of occult spinal dysraphism. Different imaging features in spinal dysraphism were evaluated to give composite diagnosis for management.

Conclusions: Helical CT and MRI are adjuvant in evaluating cases of spinal dysraphism. MRI is excellent in characterizing the soft tissue spinal anomalies of spinal dysraphism helical CT is an excellent imaging modality for characterization of vertebral bony anomalies.


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