Clinical manifestation and initial treatment on infectious respiratory illnesses in HIV-infected patient: a case report


  • Komang Septian Trisna Jaya Department of Internal Medicine, Wangaya Regional Hospital, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
  • Ketut Suryana Department of Internal Medicine, Wangaya Regional Hospital, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia



HIV, Infectious respiratory illness, Corticosteroid, Antibiotics


Respiratory illnesses are common complication during the evolution of the disease in HIV-infected patients, mainly of infectious aetiology. Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PCP) is currently the most frequent cause of pulmonary infections in HIV patients, followed by bacterial pneumonia and TB. In this case report involves a 28 years-old male patient with HIV infection presented to the hospital with progressive dyspnoea, fever, non-productive cough and weight loss. Physical examination showed a decreased of oxygen saturation, oral thrush, and respiratory crackles in both lungs. The results of chest x-ray examination suggested a picture of pneumonia. The sputum was examined with Xpert MTB-RIF Assay and the results were negative. This patient was treated with cotrimoxazole in 2 double-strength (DS) tablets three times daily, dual therapy antibiotics combination with a beta-lactam and macrolide, oral fluconazole, also adjuvant corticosteroid of methylprednisolone. This initial treatment based on drug of choice for infectious respiratory illnesses in HIV-infected patient.

Author Biographies

Komang Septian Trisna Jaya, Department of Internal Medicine, Wangaya Regional Hospital, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

Department of Internal Medicine

Ketut Suryana, Department of Internal Medicine, Wangaya Regional Hospital, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

Department of Internal Medicine


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Case Reports