Acceptability of COVID-19 vaccine among medical students: a cross-sectional analysis


  • Leela G. R. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kannur Medical College, Kannur, Kerala, India
  • Pandurangaiah R. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kannur Medical College, Kannur, Kerala, India
  • Rajamma C. K. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kannur Medical College, Kannur, Kerala, India



COVID-19, Medical student, Acceptance, COVID vaccine


Background: After the announcement of vaccine in India for health care worker, medical students is one among them, they are exposed to the COVID-19 patients. Vaccination plays crucial role in controlling the pandemic, study to know the acceptability of vaccine.

Methods: Total of 1030 medical students are enrolled in the prospective cross-section study done in Kerala. Online Questionnaire was filled between 1st January 2020 to 28th February 2021 and data collected and analysed.

Results: Out of 1030 students we found that high rate of acceptability, 710 (67%) of students willingness to take vaccine if eligible. Females (73%) are more willing to accept vaccine then male (65%), students as good knowledge, attitude and practice towards COVID-19.

Conclusions: As these students are come in health care worker we need to cover 100% vaccination in them this will be the direct impact on the general population. Increase awareness of medical college students about current available vaccine to reduce hesitancy.


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Author Biographies

Leela G. R., Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kannur Medical College, Kannur, Kerala, India

Associate Professor

Pandurangaiah R., Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kannur Medical College, Kannur, Kerala, India

Associate Professor

Rajamma C. K., Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kannur Medical College, Kannur, Kerala, India



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How to Cite

G. R., L., R., P., & C. K., R. (2021). Acceptability of COVID-19 vaccine among medical students: a cross-sectional analysis. International Journal of Advances in Medicine, 8(6), 831–834.



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