An observational study on clinical profile of acute coronary syndrome among young adults attending a tertiary care institute in Maharashtra


  • Sunay G. Vyas Department of Medicine, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
  • Sohail Shaikh Department of Medicine, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
  • Sarita S. Vyas Department of Physiology PDMC, Amravati, Maharashtra, India



Acute coronary syndrome, Young adults, Clinical profile


Background: ACS is most common cause of hospital admissions even in middle income countries like India. ACS in an early age is one of the important causes of sudden death. Incidence of ACS is positively correlated with age. But in the recent years, there is increased incidence of ACS among younger adults. In depth studies have been conducted in older adults but profile among younger patients is rarely reported.

Methods: An observational study was conducted among young adults with ACS admitted under department of medicine of Punjabrao Deshmukh memorial medical college. This study was conducted for one and half years (August 2019 to March 2021). All young patients of both sexes less than 35 years of age admitted with diagnosis of ACS were included in the present study. The questionnaire had demographic details like age, gender, address, occupation, etc. It also had detailed clinical history, physical examination findings, systemic examination findings and investigations in it.

Results: The most common chief compliant was chest pain (73.05%) followed by epigastric pain (53.30%) and sweating (53.90%). The most common risk factors were overweight/obesity (58.66%), tobacco chewing (38.32%) and smoking (34.73%). About 48.5% of the cases were STEMI, 32.9% were NSTEMI and 18.6% were UA in the present study. Among 167 cases studied, 1.19% cases had ventricular septal rupture, 3% had arrhythmia, 7.78% were in cardiogenic shock and 3.60% was the mortality rate.

Conclusions: Chest pain was present in more than 75% of the cases. The most common risk factors were overweight/obesity, tobacco chewing and smoking. Complications like cardiogenic shock, arrhythmia and ventricular septal rupture were noted. Minor patients suffered cardiac arrest. It is important to screen for ACS even in young adults. The time with a saying that ACS is a disease of older adults is gone


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How to Cite

Vyas, S. G., Shaikh, S., & Vyas, S. S. (2021). An observational study on clinical profile of acute coronary syndrome among young adults attending a tertiary care institute in Maharashtra. International Journal of Advances in Medicine, 8(9), 1383–1386.



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