A case of duplicated appendix in a patient presenting as acute appendicitis


  • Haitham S. Rbihat Department of Surgery, Royal Medical Services, Amman, Jordan
  • Khaled M. Mestareehy Department of Surgery, Royal Medical Services, Amman, Jordan
  • Fadi M. Maaita Department of Surgery, Royal Medical Services, Amman, Jordan
  • Mohammad S. Al Lababdeh Department of Surgery, Royal Medical Services, Amman, Jordan
  • Talal M. Jalabneh Department of Surgery, Royal Medical Services, Amman, Jordan




Appendicitis, Duplicated appendix, Duplication, Vermiform appendix


A 20 years old male patient presented to KHMC emergency room in the fifth of August 2015 with typical picture of acute appendicitis. Patient was admitted and decision for appendectomy was taken for the next two hours. Appendectomy done as usual through a small grid iron incision and a normally looking appendix removed which didn’t explain what happened with patient earlier, so we decided to look for other pathologies (like meckel’s diverticulum) and upon gently pulling out terminal ileum a second appendix shown in the field originated from ileocecal junction toward ileal mesenteric side 4 centimeter posterior to first appendix which was looking severely inflamed and was removed as usual.


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