Body mass index assessment of ekowe, ikianbiri and nangi-ama indigenes of Bayelsa State, Nigeria
Body mass index, Normal, Underweight, Overweight or obeseAbstract
Background: Body mass index (BMI) is one of the several anthropometric parameters used to monitor underweight, overweight and obesity in a population. This study assesses the BMI of adult males and females of the Ekowe, Ikianbiri and Nangi-ama people and to determine if they are normal, underweight, overweight or obese.
Methods: This research was carried out on 405 subjects comprising of 219 males and 186 females. Weight was obtained from the individual standing on the weighing balance and the reading taken in kilograms. Subjects were asked to stand erect with barefoot and the measuring tape was placed from the tip of the heel to the vertex of the head. Body Mass Index was calculated as weight (in kilograms)/height (in meters square) (kg/m2).
Results: Results showed that, for Ekowe, the males had a BMI of 26.0 kg/m2 while the females had a BMI of 27.1. For Ikianbiri, the males had a BMI of 25.1 while the females had a BMI of 22.9. For Nangi-Ama, the males had a BI of 23.0 while the females had a BMI of 26.0. The males and females of Ekowe and the females of Nangi-Ama are overweight. The males and females of Ikianbiri and the males of Nangi-Ama are of a normal weight.
Conclusions: In conclusion, the indigenes of these communities should avoid eating foods of high calories and exercise regularly to keep a normal and healthy weight to avert possible stroke, high blood pressure, coronary heart diseases in later part of their life span.
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