Early cognitive decline and its assessment in idiopathic Parkinson disease and its correlation with duration of illness


  • Ajesh C. Gupta Department of Medicine, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Pooja Shukla Department of Medicine, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Richa Giri Department of Medicine, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India




Parkinson disease, Cognitive decline, SCOPA COG


Background: Parkinson disease (PD) is one of the most common age-related brain disorders, with cardinal symptoms rigidity, bradykinesia, resting tremor and postural instability. These are dopamine-related motor symptoms. PD is increasingly recognized as heterogeneous multisystem disorder involving other neurotransmitter associated with nonmotor symptoms. In which cognitive decline is the most common and important NMS. cognitive decline in PD makes profound effect on patient quality of life and imposes significant burden on the caregiver.

Methods: Hospital based cross sectional study conducted among 52 patients of idiopathic Parkinson disease, 61 to 80 years of age (fulfilling UKPDS brain bank criteria) at GSVM medical college, Kanpur during February 2020 to October 2021 using SCOPA COG scale.

Results: Using SCOPA COG score in 52 patients, 17 (33%) patients found with declined cognition There was weak negative correlation between total score and duration of illness (p=0.091), weak negative correlation between executive function (assessed by dice) and duration of illness (p=0.047) and a moderate negative correlation between visuospatial function (assessed by assembling pattern) and duration of illness (p=0.003).

Conclusions: Significant cognitive decline found with increase in duration of illness in terms of visuospatial function.


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Author Biographies

Ajesh C. Gupta, Department of Medicine, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Professor,dapartment of Medicine

Pooja Shukla, Department of Medicine, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Resident Doctor, department of medicine

Richa Giri, Department of Medicine, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Professor,HOD,department of medicine


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How to Cite

Gupta, A. C., Shukla, P., & Giri, R. (2022). Early cognitive decline and its assessment in idiopathic Parkinson disease and its correlation with duration of illness. International Journal of Advances in Medicine, 9(5), 587–590. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-3933.ijam20221094



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