Association of anemia and hypoalbuminemia with mortality among patients undergoing routine hemodialysis
Anemia, Hemodialysis, Hypoalbuminemia, Mortality, Chronic kidney diseaseAbstract
Background: The progressivity of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with several clinical conditions which contribute to high morbidity and mortality, including anemia and hypoalbuminemia. This study aimed to assess the association of anemia and hypoalbuminemia with the mortality of CKD patients undergoing routine hemodialysis (HD) in Siloam Hospital Kupang.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study based on Indonesia renal registry data system and hospital medical records. We studied the following variables: gender, age, etiology of CKD, vascular access of HD, and prevalence of anemia and hypoalbuminemia. All analysis was performed using SPSS software version 22.
Results: There were 128 patients enrolled in this study. Of the total patients who died, most of them died within the first 3 months since the initiation of HD (62.1%). The majority of patients had anemia (67.2%) and hypoalbuminemia (69.5%). The bivariate analysis showed that anemia (p value=0.192), and hypoalbuminemia (p value=0.336) were not statistically significant associated with mortality among patients undergoing routine HD.
Conclusions: Anemia and hypoalbuminemia are not statistically associated with mortality outcome of CKD patients in Siloam Hospital Kupang. However, these conditions may still have prognostic importance for CKD patients undergoing routine HD. Further studies with larger size of cohort and longer period of time are warranted.
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