A study to assess the knowledge on hypoglycemia among the diabetic patient in selected hospital, Siliguri
Diabetes mellitus, Hypoglycemia, Knowledge, Insulin, Oral hypoglycemic drugsAbstract
Background: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus, is a major health concern that affects people around the world, and is increasing yearly. When blood glucose levels go below normal, a condition known as hypoglycemia, an immediate consequence of diabetes mellitus, occurs. The International Diabetes Federation reported that there were 451 million diabetics globally in 2017 and by 2045, it is anticipated that there will be 693 million. The objective of this study was to assess the level of knowledge of diabetic patient regarding hypoglycaemia and to find out the association between the levels of knowledge of diabetic patient on hypoglycaemia with their selected demographic variable.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study, was carried out in the month of June 2022. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to interview 100 study participants who were diabetes patients who had been admitted to the medical ward and who had visited the endocrinology outpatient department.
Results: 52% of the samples had fair knowledge on hypoglycemia, while 23% of them had poor knowledge. Demographic variable such as age, income, treatment, frequency of taking medicine, experience of symptoms of hypoglycemia and dietary habit were statistically significant with the level of knowledge, p<0.05.
Conclusions: The study's findings highlighted the fact that most diabetes mellitus patients had a fair understanding of hypoglycemia. The health care personnel should also take time and efforts to educate patients about the sign of hypoglycemia. So that hypoglycemic episodes and morbidity could be reduced or prevented at primordial level.
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