Health promotion by preventing and curing diseases of various organs, using evolved homeopathy
Health promotion, Preventive medicine, Nipping in the bud, Prevention is better than cure, Exciting cause, Stress-related disordersAbstract
When a close track is maintained on the health condition of all organs and endocrine systems of any person, no organ degeneration can take place; hence, organ transplant becomes avoidable; and, hence COVID virus doesn’t get a ‘soft’ target in such human bodies. Thus, the requirement of achieving near zero disease-levels of various organs and endocrine systems, has become an important necessity in the COVID era. The methodology of evolved-homeopathy utilizes several specific medicines for prevention of various diseases, according to the first fundamental-principle of cure (“Prevention is better than cure”). True “nipping in the bud” of any disease from a patient’s body is possible only when the treatment starts based not on a patient’s perception of symptom(s) but on a whole-body diagnostic chart generated by a sophisticated device like the GDV (Gas discharge visualization) scanner. It is noteworthy to mention that evolved-homeopathy chooses organ-specific, constitutional and polycrest medicines, from various sources. Based on the experience of the persons who are utilizing the side-effect free preventive and curative medicines of evolved-homeopathy for preventing problems of various organs to achieve near zero disease-level, it is clear that the methodology of evolved-homeopathy for health promotion is very effective. It seems evident that for the sincere followers of the three fundamental-principles of cure as mentioned below, health promotion methodology of evolved-homeopathy is very beneficial. When the condition of near zero disease-levels in the various organs and endocrine systems of a person’s body, is achieved, his/her Physical and mental stamina improves.
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