A case report: the undescended testis present with inguinal hernia in adolescence, how can be diagnosed and treated early?
Undescended testis, Cryptorchidism, Pathological alterationsAbstract
Undescended testis or cryptorchidism describe as one or more testicles are missing from the scrotum. Cryptorchidism may occur on one or both sides but more commonly affects the right testicle. To make the diagnosis, testicular examination followed by a laparoscopy to check for testes that hard to feel on physical examination. To avoid pathological alterations, surgical treatment for UDT should be administered prior to two years. A 16-year-old male patient come to the surgical department of Prima Medika Hospital complained of a lump in the right thigh fold and a non-palpable right testicle for 2 weeks and was unaware of the existence of his right testicles. On the abdominal examination, a non-reducible tumor was discovered during examination in the right groin with no lymphadenopathy in the left inguinal and left testicles. The testicular ultrasonography present, the right inguinal-proximal testis is undescended. Based on the patients complain, orcidopexy dextra with herniotomy was performed. In underdeveloped nations, UTD is common in adulthood, and the late identification of UDT might be problematic. Therefore, early diagnosis and immediate treatment are essential to prevent the complication and pathologic alterations that leading to subfertility and malignant transformation.
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