Thyroid storm in patient with uncontrolled hyperthyroid: a case-report
Thyroid storm, Hyperthyroid, Case reportAbstract
Hyperthyroidism is a clinical condition which arise due to an increase of synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormone (TH) by the thyroid gland, and may lead to hyperthyroid crisis or thyroid storm which is a life-threatening emergency condition. Sudden discontinuation of anti-thyroid drugs influences the occurrences of thyroid storm. A 29-years-old female patient come to the emergency department with complaint of shortness of breath, cough, body weight loss, and palpitation. During hospitalization period, patient experienced symptoms of palpitation and seizure. The Burch-Wartofsky criteria score was ≥45 which consistent with thyroid storm. A multidisciplinary team approach is important in treating patient with thyroid storm.
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