Clinical presentation of various thyroid lesions in a study population attending a teaching hospital in North India


  • Irfan Khan Department of Blood Bank, SKIMS, Soura, J & K, India
  • Mohsin ul Rasool Department of Pathology, SKIMS Medical College, Bemina, Srinagar, J & K, India
  • Imran Khan Department of Internal Medicine, SKIMS, Soura, J & K, India
  • Sajad Hamid Department of Anatomy, SKIMS Medical College, Bemina, J & K, India
  • Phunstog Angmoo Department of Pathology, GMC, Jammu, J & K, India
  • K. K. Koul Department of Pathology, GMC, Jammu, J & K, India


Thyroid lesions, Goiter, FNAC, Histopathology


Background: The present study is undertaken to evaluate the different clinical presentations of thyroid lesions in Northern Indian population. Clinical examination, although very accurate in most cases of thyroid lesion, is inadequate in some areas especially, in staging of thyroid malignancies and in detecting the multi-nodularity of the gland.

Methods: The study was conducted in the postgraduate department of pathology of a teaching hospital for a period of 1 year. It was a prospective hospital based Study. In each case, a brief clinical history and physical examination along with evaluation of relevant investigation was carried out. Patient was explained about whole of the procedure & the consent for the procedure was taken in all patients. FNAC of thyroid gland was done and the results of FNAC were correlated with histopathology, wherever available. The final results were correlated with different clinical presentations using SPSS 11.5 software.

Results: Out of the 139 patients, 134 presented with swelling in the neck, 3 patients presented with pain in the neck while as 2 patients came with discomfort in the neck. 74 patients have duration of swelling more than 2 years, 51 patients have duration upto 1 year, 10 patients have duration between 1 to 2 years and 4 patients have less than one month. Out of 139 patients, 110 patients have solitary swelling, 87 have swelling on right side, 119 presented with regular margins, 91 presented with firm consistency, 130 were mobile and 135 presented with non-tender.

Conclusion: Majority of the patients presented after 2 years of illness i.e. 74. Only 4 patients presently acutely within 1 month of illness. The major complaint was swelling in neck i.e. in 134, rest presented with local pain and discomfort.


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How to Cite

Khan, I., Rasool, M. ul, Khan, I., Hamid, S., Angmoo, P., & Koul, K. K. (2017). Clinical presentation of various thyroid lesions in a study population attending a teaching hospital in North India. International Journal of Advances in Medicine, 1(2), 145–148. Retrieved from



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