Screening of syphilis using rapid plasma reagin test in apparently healthy population in Madhya Pradesh: a 6 years study
Syphilis, Rapid plasma reagin, Syphilis in apparently healthy populationAbstract
Background: To analyze the prevalence of syphilis in apparently healthy population in Madhya Pradesh during last 6 years.
Methods: Serum samples were collected from Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Skin and Venereal diseases, Medicine, Surgery, etc., of the period of 6 years. All the serum samples were screened for syphilis by rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test using standard methods.
Results: Out of 21,742 samples, 133 (0.62%) serum samples were found to be positive. The highest seroprevalence was observed in the group aged 25-31 years (0.89%) and lowest in 18-24 years (0.31%).
Conclusion: RPR testing in this populations group plays a special value in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of syphilis.
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