A case of classical sweet syndrome with episcleritis
Classical, Episcleritis, Neutrophilic dermal infiltrate, Sweets syndromeAbstract
Sweet's syndrome (acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis) is characterized by a constellation of clinical symptoms, physical features, and pathologic findings which include fever, neutrophilia, tender erythematous skin lesions (papules, nodules, and plaques), and a diffuse infiltrate consisting predominantly of mature neutrophils that is typically located in the upper dermis. Sweet's syndrome presents in three clinical settings: classical (or idiopathic), malignancy-associated, and drug-induced. Classical Sweet's syndrome (CSS) usually presents in women between the age of 30 to 50 years, is often preceded by an upper respiratory tract infection and may be associated with inflammatory bowel disease and pregnancy. We report here a case of classical sweets syndrome with the typical histopathological findings who reported well to treatment.
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