Intravenous clonidine for suppression of haemodynamic response to laparoscopy- a prospective randomised, placebo controlled, single centre study
Clonidine, neuroendocrine response, laparoscopyAbstract
Background: Laparoscopic surgeries, including cholecystectomy are being performed on a large scale owing to the improved tissue healing and minimal hospital stay. However the haemodynamic response to pneumoperitoneum could pose a problem in these patients. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of 1µg/kg intravenous clonidine in suppression of this hemodynamic response. The secondary objective was to assess the postoperative analgesia and sedation.
Methods: 60 patients posted for laparoscopic cholecystectomy were divided into two groups. 30 patients received intravenous midazolam 0.03mg/kg and pentazocine 0.3mg/kg and the other 30 received intravenous clonidine 1µg/kg 15 minutes prior induction.
Results: Intraoperative mean pulse rate was 90.82±4.81 beats per minute in control group. In clonidine group it was 74.76±9.88 beats per minute (p<0.05 significant). Similarly the mean systolic blood pressure was 137.87±4.89 and 125.79±6.44 respectively (p<0.05-significant). The duration of postoperative analgesia was 334.83±24.65 and 116.05±19.17 minutes respectively (p<0.05).
Conclusions: Premedication with intravenous clonidine, has been found to be relatively safe as well as an effective method that provides stable haemodynamics and protection against stress response induced by pneumoperitoneum in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
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