Study reasons and motives women tend to Rhinoplasty in Ardabil city
Ardabil, Cosmetic surgery, Rhinoplasty, Self-confidenceAbstract
Background: Cosmetic surgery known as prevalent surgeries in the world that annually thousands of people are undergoing cosmetic surgery to change their appearance. Each year more than 200000 cosmetic surgery have been done on patients 18 years and low and about 390000 of them included surgeries such as breast, cosmetic, abdomen and nose. Iran in terms of plastic surgeries performed proportion to total population is located in the first rank of the world. Studies showed that social and mental factors have main role in doing these surgeries. So, the aim of this study was to evaluate the reasons and motives women tend to Rhinoplasty in Ardabil city.
Methods: This descriptive-cross sectional study has been done on 120 women 15-50 years referred to cosmetic surgery clinics and centers. Samples selected randomly from centers which doing Rhinoplasty and data collected by a research base questionnaire including information about demographic data, causes and motive of women tend to Rhinoplasty.
Results: Most of women were in the age group 15-20 (39.1%). 56.7% of women were married and 45% were housekeeper. 15% of women have history of psychological diseases and 58.3% have history of doing surgery in their family.
Conclusions: Results showed that self confidence known as important factor in Rhinoplasty. Personality characteristics, social conditions and environmental factors play an important role in women tend to cosmetic surgery. So, we need doing studies in big samples for recognize the dimensions of effective factors in doing Rhinoplasty among women.
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