Prevalence of coinfection of human immunodeficiency virus and tuberculosis in a semi urban area in Telangana
Coinfection, HIV, TuberculosisAbstract
Background: HIV is known to be one of the major risk factors for the progression of active tuberculosis. Seronegative individuals have 10% risk of developing tuberculosis in an endemic region, while those infected with HIV have 60% chances. Moreover, this incidence varies with different geographical area.
Methods: 1330 of HIV patients and 1800 suspected TB patients had undergone testing for HIV. All the suspected TB patients had undergone X ray evaluation and sputum examination.
Results: 482 were positive for tuberculosis among 1800 patients of whom 286 were males and 196 were females. Out of a total of 3130 patients who have undergone HIV test, 115 were found to be HIV Seropositive with 68 (3.6%) males and 47 (3.8%) females.
Conclusions: It is essential to impart proper education to the people as they are from a low socioeconomic background regarding the usefulness of the HIV and the TB testing and the government protocols and measures taken to eradicate this disease.
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