Infantile colic: is it an early sign of an allergy?


  • Ebtihal Elameen Eltyeb Department of Paediatrics, College of Medicine, Jazan University, KSA
  • Gassem Ali Gohal Department of Paediatrics, College of Medicine, Jazan University, KSA



Allergy, Infants, Infantile colic, Food allergy


Infantile colic is a worrisome problem to the parents and caregivers, characterized by the inconsolable crying of infants that usually occur in the first 4months of life. It constitutes the frequent complaint seen by physicians in early infants' life. The episodes generally disappear by the age of five or six months. However, there was growing evidence demonstrate the later impact of these episodes in later children' life. Many interventions were tried to reduce the symptoms associated with infantile colic and to foresee the etiological backgrounds. The allergic role is implicated to have a major role in the pathophysiology of infantile colic and in the later atopic outcome; however, more intensive reliable studies should be done to strengthen these evidences.


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