Retrospective study of white blood cell count and hematocrit in dengue fever
Dengue fever, Leukopenia, Raised hematocritAbstract
Background: Dengue is an extremely important tropical disease transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Aim of the study: to study the white blood cell levels in serologically proven dengue cases; to study hematocrit levels in cases of dengue fever.
Methods: The present study is a retrospective observational analysis of white blood cell count (WBC count) and hematocrit in 235 serologically proven Dengue cases admitted in the years 2011-2012
Results: 107 cases (45.5%) had leukopenia, 111 cases (47.2%) had normal WBC counts and 12 cases had leukocytosis (5.1%). 23 cases had increased hematocrit (9.8%), 76 cases had a low hematocrit (32.3%) and 128 cases had a normal hematocrit (54.5%).
Conclusions: A significant proportion of patients had leukopenia which may be an early marker of dengue infection. Only a small percentage of patients had raised hematocrit. It may be that rise from baseline levels of haematocrit which may be more significant than absolute values.
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