Analysis of chikungunya outbreak of 2016 in Rajasthan: a clinico-epidemiological study
Chikungunya, Fever, PolyarthralgiaAbstract
Background: To describe the diversity of clinical manifestations, laboratory findings and outcome of chikungunya fever in patients attending SMS Hospital, Jaipur during the epidemic of 2016 (September to November).
Methods: All cases of febrile illness with polyarthralgia/polyarthritis diagnosed as chikungunya were analyzed. Diagnosis was made by ELISA based IgM serology and RT PCR assay.
Results: A total of 200 cases were studied. All of them presented with fever, severe crippling joint pain & tenderness, headache, anorexia and body rash. On examination, there was periarticular edema, erythema, and tenderness in joints with post auricular and cervical lymphadenopathy. Unusual manifestations were hyper pigmentation of face and forehead and scrotal ulcers. On investigations patient had leucopenia with elevated level of SGOT, SGPT with normal bilirubin levels. Other complications observed were encephalopathy, encephalitis, myocarditis and hepatitis. There was no mortality in this group.
Conclusions: Chikungunya though prevalent is under-reported. The diagnostic certainty is mandated by presence of febrile transiently crippling polyarthragias / arthritis. On analyzing a large series, unusual clinical features may emerge.
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