Primary tubercular submandibular abscess: a rare presentation in two years old girl
Immunocompetent, Line probe assay, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Primary tuberculosis, Submandibular lymphadenopathyAbstract
Extra pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a serious problem in developing countries. The prevalence of extra pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) is higher in immunocompromised, especially human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co-infected patients. The most common site of extra pulmonary tuberculosis is lymph node followed by pleura. Lymph nodes are pivotal component of immune system and hence they are affected in various conditions like infections, autoimmune disorder, malignancy However, tubercular affliction of submandibular lymph node is not common. Only a few cases of tubercular submandibular abscess in immune-competent children have been reported in literature. Here we report a case of two-year old girl with non-healing multiple submandibular lymph node abscess presenting as a primary tuberculosis that proved diagnostically challenging. She responded favourably to a five drug anti-tubercular regimen.
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