Study of lipid profile parameters abnormalities in patients with sickle cell disease from single centre study in central India
Cholesterol, Dyslipidemia, Hypocholesterolemia, Haemolysis, Hypertryglyceridemia, Sickle cell diseaseAbstract
Background: Metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins is being altered in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). It has been postulated that the hypocholesterolemia in SCD might be due to increased cholesterol utilization and decreased circulation. Hemolytic stress can be associated with a significant reduction in plasma lipid concentration.
Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted from February 2016 to October 2017 at MGM Medical College and MY Hospital Indore, MP, which included 50 SCD patients and 50 healthy, age, and sex matched controls.
Results: Total Cholesterol (TC) was less than 200mg/dl in 48 SCD patients with mean TC levels was 115.3mg/dl and it more than 200mg/dl in 2 SCD patients only with mean TC was 211mg/dl. This was statistically significant low as compare to controls (p value=0.001060). HDL was less than 60mg/dl in 47 SCD patients with mean HDL was 33.74mg/dl and more than 60mg/dl in 3 SCD patients with mean HDL was 105.6mg/dl and it was statistically significantly low in SCD patients(p value=0.001787). Tryglyceride (TG) was more than 150mg/dl in 27 SCD patients and it was less than 150mg/dl in 23 SCD patients. TG was statistically significantly high in SCD patients (p value=0.011303). LDL was less than 60mg/dl, 60-130mg/dl, and more than 130mg/dl in 25, 21, and 4 SCD patients respectively. This increase in LDL in SCD patients was statistically significant (p value 0.018977).
Conclusions: It was evident from this study that dyslipidemia characterized by low HDL and TC was present among the SCD patients who participate this study. Further study in large number of SCD patients and controls may help to confirm or exclude the above correlation of SCD with derangement in lipid profile.
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