An unusual case of left para-duodenal hernia as a cause of recurrent intestinal obstruction-managed with laparoscopic approach


  • Jitu Patel Balaji GI Superspeciality Hospital, Mehsana, Gujarat, India
  • Sandipkumar Chaudhari GMERS Medical College, Vadnagar, Mehsana, Gujarat, India
  • Jimitkumar Patel Safal Multispeciality Hospital, Mehsana, Gujarat, India
  • Sonalben Chaudhary Safal Multispeciality Hospital, Mehsana, Gujarat, India



Para-duodenal, Hernia, Laparoscopy, Obstruction, Surgery


Left para-duodenal hernia (PDH) makes for around 40% of all internal hernias. It is due to the prolapse of the bowel through the fossa of Landzert, an anatomic variant that is found in around 2% of the population. This hernia is presumed to be spontaneously reducible in many patients with recurrent symptoms. The present report shows the case of this condition in a 27-year-old female presenting with recurrent abdominal pain and subacute intestinal obstruction who was managed conservatively initially. She has been operated on with a laparoscopic approach. A proper diagnosis with an immediate surgical intervention is necessary for achieving the patient’s cure and preventing complications in the future. The laparoscopic approach is usually suitable for patients with or without small bowel obstruction and hemodynamically stable.


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Author Biography

Sandipkumar Chaudhari, GMERS Medical College, Vadnagar, Mehsana, Gujarat, India

Assistant professor, Department of General Surgery


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How to Cite

Patel, J., Chaudhari, S., Patel, J., & Chaudhary, S. (2022). An unusual case of left para-duodenal hernia as a cause of recurrent intestinal obstruction-managed with laparoscopic approach. International Journal of Advances in Medicine, 9(9), 967–969.



Case Reports