Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a causative agent in children having community acquired pneumonia
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Community acquired pneumonia, Children, Macrolides, Pathogenesis, EpidemiologyAbstract
This article deals with understanding the basis of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae by studying and understanding its functional modalities. The history along with cellular biology has been looked at for having a broader understanding. Even though the exact pathogenesis that causes these various symptoms are underway, it has been found that the constant rise in cases by this agent especially in children has raised a concern for more data regarding it for sufficient understanding of its incidence and target of more susceptible population. The epidemiology of Mycoplasma pneumoniae affecting children having community acquired pneumonia is poorly understood and there is a dire need for its in-depth evaluation. Due to all these factors the need to study about this agent has become all the more crucial and this article looks at the rapidity and rising nature of M. pneumoniae as a causative agent and what makes the young school going population of children a susceptibility. The aim of the study was to have an insight into the complex pathogenesis it elucidates along with the features seen in children affected. The understanding of its prevalence in children is also looked at so that various treatment options that are available can be established and can provide for the most appropriate remedy.
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