Clinical and etiological profile of acute kidney injury in cases attending a tertiary care center
Acute kidney injury, Clinical, Etiological, Oliguric, ProfileAbstract
Background: Acute kidney injury or acute renal failure is a common problem in hospitalized patients. A large number of conditions can cause AKI which can present with different clinical features. The aim of present study was to analyze etiological and clinical features of AKI.
Methods: This study involved 68 patients of AKI admitted in a teaching hospital. The clinical and laboratory data were collected at admission and during follow up till the final outcome and these data were analyzed.
Results: 68 patients were studied. Largest no of patient was in the age group of 41-50 years and 55.88% of patients were male. The causes of AKI were medical (77.94%), surgical (11.76%) and obstetrical (10.29%). Sepsis was the most common medical cause (41.50%). Patients were treated either by conservative methods or by haemodialysis. Overall mortality was 20.58%.
Conclusions: Non-oliguric AKI was more common but oliguric AKI has high mortality. The mortality in dialysis treated patients is high than patients who are treated conservatively. The high mortality in dialysis treated patients is due to multi organ failure.
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